In Florida, most Medicaid recipients are enrolled in the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program. The program has three parts: Managed Medical Assistance, Long-Term Care, and Dental. People on Medicaid will get services using one or more of these plan types:
• Managed Medical Assistance (MMA): Provides Medicaid covered medical services like doctor visits, hospital care, prescribed drugs, mental health care, and transportation to these services. Most people on Medicaid will receive their care from a plan that covers MMA services. (Click here for Health Plan and Program Information)
• Long-Term Care (LTC): Provides Medicaid LTC services like care in a nursing facility, assisted living facility, or at home. To get LTC you must be at least 18 years old and meet nursing home level of care (or meet hospital level of care if you have Cystic Fibrosis). (Click here for Health Plan and Program Information)
• Dental: Provides all Medicaid dental services for children and adults. All people on Medicaid must enroll in a dental plan.