Commercial Carrier and Freight Forwarder Identification and Eligibility
CBSA Guidelines - Highway Carrier Code Application Process

For the purpose of assessing carrier code eligibility, the CBSA defines a carrier as a person involved in international commercial transportation who operates a conveyance used to transport specified goods to or from Canada. To operate a conveyance means to have legal custody and control of the conveyance.

The CBSA issues one carrier code per mode per legal entity. Should subsidiary companies be separate legal entities from parent companies, each subsidiary company can apply for a carrier code.

Reporting cargo and conveyance data to the CBSA

With the implementation of eManifest, highway carriers transporting goods into Canada will be required to transmit cargo and conveyance data electronically to the CBSA prior to arrival. Please refer to the Commercial reporting requirements page of the CBSA web site for more information.

The Internet-based eManifest Portal is one option for transmitting data. Highway carriers code applicants who wish to use the eManifest Portal should indicate "YES" in Field 14 of the carrier code application form. This will automatically request a Shared Secret (temporary access code) that a business requires to register for the eManifest Portal the first time.

What are the application requirements?

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) requires the following documents in order to process a highway carrier code application:




E-mail: (only one complete application per e-mail)


Commercial Operations Integrated Support ( COIS )




Canada Border Services Agency
Commercial Operations Integrated Support ( COIS )
191 Laurier Avenue West, 12th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0L8 Canada


Commercial Operations Integrated Support ( COIS )

How to complete the application

The instructions are listed on the reverse side of Form BSF 329-7.

The following table contains explanations for fields that are often completed incorrectly.

Application to Transact Highway Carrier Operations with the Canada Border Services Agency – Form BSF 329-7